If "level up health" is on your 2022 resolution list, look nog further. Whether it's for solo sexual self love or to use a sex toy with your partner, the latest sex toy trends aren't only for pleasure but definitely will leave you in a healthier state of mind than before.
Sex toys are a great way to spice up your life and using them can bring couples closer. Bring in new sex toys to explore each other's sense, change up the expected responses in different positions and finally reach that orgasm you were craving for. Although sex toys still carry a taboo with them, in 2022 think it's about time to get that mindset switched up.
Whatever is good for your body, and if it doesn't hurt anyone - then let's bring in the sex toys groups! Consider the following sex toys when you are shopping for your ultimate sex toy for couples online.
5 types of vibrator sex toys
Sex toys come in different shapes and forms, we wrote a piece about the different types of sex toys here called "The Oh Collective's Vibe Guide" . In summary, there are 5 types of vibrators
- Vaginal vibrators - these are the classic sex toys you normally encounter at most stores
- Bullet sex toys and clitoral vibrators that specifically target your clitoris. At The Oh Collective we have Pixie - a clitoral vibrator that is mighty fine and fun for in the shower and for partner play.
- Combination vibrators - the rabbit vibrator is one for instance where one part is inserting and the other part will tickle your clitoris
- G-spot vibrator sex toys - designed to used internally and with a curved tip to stimulate your G-spot (the cluster of nerves on the front of your vaginal wall). Make sure to opt for medical or food grade silicones.
What you want to look for when choosing for sex toys
- The dimensions - for partner play you might want to check in with your partner to see whether he/she is comfortable with the size of your new sex toy
- Settings, speed and power - today's offering of sex toys is wide with all types of different settings. Don't opt for battery powered vibrators or sex toys as those break easily (our Kit and Pixie are both USB equipped sex toys).
- Noise level: go for vibrators that are below 40 dB to make sure you are not overheard by anyone in your vicinity.
- Material: do not opt for plastics or phthalates (chemicals used for flexibility in sex toys). Our materials are all of skin safe silicones so you do not need to worry about that.
Now let's the sex toy journey begin!