We've all been there. You're in the middle of a steamy session with your partner when suddenly, you feel a gush between your legs. Your heart sinks as you realize that your period has arrived—and there's no way to hide it. Do you: a) fake an illness and bail, b) finish what you started and hope for the best, or c) have an honest conversation with your partner about what you're comfortable with? If you choose option c, kudos to you! You're about to have a mature conversation about something that can be a totally normal, enjoyable part of sex: period sex.

Pros of Period Sex
1. It can make your period shorter.
According to Dr. Alyssa Dweck, MD, a gynecologist in New York, "orgasm can cause uterine contractions that can help expel blood and tissue more quickly." In other words, climaxing during your period may help you get over it faster.
2. It can relieve cramps.
That's right—your orgasms could actually help reduce the excruciating pain caused by cramps. Dr. Dweck says that's because orgasms release muscle-relaxing oxytocin and pain-reducing prostaglandins into your body.
3. It's natural (and empowering).
A lot of people feel uncomfortable about the idea of having sex while bleeding because it goes against everything we've been taught about periods being "dirty" or "unclean." But if you think about it, periods are a totally natural bodily function—and there's nothing dirty about having sex with someone you're attracted to and trust implicitly. On the contrary, some people find period sex liberating and empowering because it allows them to embrace their bodies in all their natural glory.
4. It can increase sexual intimacy.
For some couples, getting busy during menstruation can make sex feel even more intimate than usual because they're breaking taboos together and being completely open and honest with each other—no matter how messy things might get.

Cons of Period Sex
1. There's always the worry about leakage (and stains).
This is probably the number one concern people have about period sex, and honestly, it's valid! No one wants to ruin their sheets or their partner's clothes with bloodstains—but accidents happen sometimes. The best way to combat this worry is to be prepared by placing a dark towel on the bed before things get heated (literally). If things do get messy, don't stress—it'll wash out eventually!
2 .You might feel less sexually desired.
This one is tricky because it definitely doesn't apply to everyone—but some women feel less sexually confident when they're on their period because they think their bodies are "less attractive" during this time of the month. If this is something you struggle with, know that you're not alone—and try to focus on the fact that your partner still wants to be with you regardless of what your body is doing right now.
3 .You might be worried about pregnancy.
Although it is possible to get pregnant during your period, it's highly unlikely. Still, if this is something that worries you, using protection can help put your mind at ease.
Ultimately, whether or not you have sex during your period is personal preference . If you're thinking about giving it a try, discuss any concerns with your partner beforehand so that you're both on the same page. And remember: if things do get messy, don't sweat it —period sex happens!